Unit page, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

aorta thoracica

Official Latin term aorta thoracica
Official subsidiary term thoracic aorta
Unit identifier TAH:U4174
Unit type single
Materiality material
Link to the unit aorta thoracica
Links of entity generic: aorta thoracica
External links Gray1918 TA98 FMA Wikipedia Science Direct
Partonomic links Level 2: systema arteriarum Short Extended
Level 3: aorta descendens Short Extended
Level 4: aorta thoracica
Taxonomic links Level 2: segmentum organi Short Extended
Subsidiary language with Latin English French Spanish Russian
Non Latin primary language English French Spanish Russian
Taxonomic definition
Taxonomic definition The thoracic aorta is a segment of aorta [segmentum aortae ] which is comprised between the arch of the aorta [arcus aortae ] and the diaphragm [diaphragma].
Date: 29.07.2022